You’ve probably heard of veneers, but you might not know exactly what they are. In cosmetic dentistry, veneers are a layer of an artificial material that is placed over a tooth in order to protect the tooth surface from damage and improve upon the aesthetics of a person’s smile. There are different kinds of veneers, mainly composite and porcelain. Here’s a quick overview of what makes each one the best option for each case if you are looking to get composite or porcelain veneers in Los Angeles.
Composite Veneers
The first kind of veneers is the composite kind. These veneers are made out of a synthetic composite resin with a micro-mechanical retention property. Composite veneers are either directly built-up and placed in the mouth or indirectly fabricated in a dental lab by a dental technician. In that latter case, the veneers are later bonded to the tooth using a kind of resin cement. This specific kind of veneer is most commonly used when treating young patients, particularly teenagers, who will eventually require a more permanent solution to their dental issues once they are grown. That’s why they are designed and implemented with a four-year lifespan in mind. This way, they can later be replaced with a definite solution. This leads us to porcelain veneers.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are meant to be more durable than simply temporary solutions. There are actually different kinds of porcelain veneers, including full veneer crowns and laminate veneers. The former are restoration treatments that cover all of the coronal tooth surfaces (which includes the Distal, Lingual, Occlusal, Mesial, and Facial surfaces). Laminate veneers, on the other hand, are thin layers covering only the surface of the teeth with a mostly aesthetic purpose. Additionally, reverse porcelain veneers are meant to improve upon a person’s bite. The best kind of veneer for you will ultimately be determined by the specific circumstances of your particular case. A cosmetic dentist will be able to help you determine the best approach for your situation.
What a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles Recommends
More often than not, the choice will be pretty evident. Unless you are a teenager or you are still waiting on significant dental development, then it is more likely than not that you will be fit with porcelain veneers. Not only are these more long-lasting, but they can also be better adjusted for your specific needs. Maybe you are having trouble with your bite and need some functional help. Maybe your bite is okay and you just need an aesthetic improvement. Even if you need a full restoration, there’s a porcelain veneer treatment for you.
Porcelain Veneers in Los Angeles
Dr. Anthony Mobasser is here to help you settle on the right procedure for your needs. Even now, Dr. Mobasser is engaging in remote consultations whenever possible, limiting actual procedures to emergency ones. If you are in need of an emergency procedure or perhaps would like a remote consultation, we can help you out. Just give us a call at (310) 550-0383 or request an appointment using our website.
Composite Veneers
The first kind of veneers is the composite kind. These veneers are made out of a synthetic composite resin with a micro-mechanical retention property. Composite veneers are either directly built-up and placed in the mouth or indirectly fabricated in a dental lab by a dental technician. In that latter case, the veneers are later bonded to the tooth using a kind of resin cement. This specific kind of veneer is most commonly used when treating young patients, particularly teenagers, who will eventually require a more permanent solution to their dental issues once they are grown. That’s why they are designed and implemented with a four-year lifespan in mind. This way, they can later be replaced with a definite solution. This leads us to porcelain veneers.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are meant to be more durable than simply temporary solutions. There are actually different kinds of porcelain veneers, including full veneer crowns and laminate veneers. The former are restoration treatments that cover all of the coronal tooth surfaces (which includes the Distal, Lingual, Occlusal, Mesial, and Facial surfaces). Laminate veneers, on the other hand, are thin layers covering only the surface of the teeth with a mostly aesthetic purpose. Additionally, reverse porcelain veneers are meant to improve upon a person’s bite. The best kind of veneer for you will ultimately be determined by the specific circumstances of your particular case. A cosmetic dentist will be able to help you determine the best approach for your situation.
What a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles Recommends
More often than not, the choice will be pretty evident. Unless you are a teenager or you are still waiting on significant dental development, then it is more likely than not that you will be fit with porcelain veneers. Not only are these more long-lasting, but they can also be better adjusted for your specific needs. Maybe you are having trouble with your bite and need some functional help. Maybe your bite is okay and you just need an aesthetic improvement. Even if you need a full restoration, there’s a porcelain veneer treatment for you.
Porcelain Veneers in Los Angeles
Dr. Anthony Mobasser is here to help you settle on the right procedure for your needs. Even now, Dr. Mobasser is engaging in remote consultations whenever possible, limiting actual procedures to emergency ones. If you are in need of an emergency procedure or perhaps would like a remote consultation, we can help you out. Just give us a call at (310) 550-0383 or request an appointment using our website.
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